Macromedia Flash Improves the Spirit of Teaching

Keywords: Macromedia Flash Software, Spirit of Teaching, Learning


The purpose of this research is to find out how learning using Macromedia Flash software increases the spirit of teaching teachers. The collection of research data was collected through distributing questionnaires to teachers at SDN 18 Pekanbaru. Then performed an analysis of the data obtained in the form of quantitative analysis. Data processing used the SPSS series 21 computer program. Quantitative analysis through the t test, namely the hypothesis test, namely the Paired Samples t test. In this study, it was used to test the significance of the mean difference between the pretest and posttest groups. Hypothesis testing shows that the use of learning media Macromedia Flash Software under study is proven to have a significant effect on increasing teacher spirit at SDN 18 Pekanbaru. Based on the results of the t test calculation shows a significant number of 0.000 is smaller than the significant level of 0.05, thus Ha is accepted, meaning that Macromedia Flash software can increase the spirit of teaching teachers at SDN 18 Pekanbaru.


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How to Cite
AfdalZ. (2020). Macromedia Flash Improves the Spirit of Teaching. TA’LIM JOURNAL : Journal of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training, 8(1), 37-46. Retrieved from