• Wery Agnesha Putri
  • Rahmah
  • Radhiyatul Fithri
Keywords: Audio Visual Learning Media, online, The Covid Pandemic 19


This research is a qualitative research with qualitative descriptive method. So, in this study, there is no need for a hypothesis, but describes what it is about "The Use of On-line Audio Visual Learning Media During the Covid 19 Pandemic (Study at At-Taubah Rumbai Kindergarten, Pekanbaru)". Systematically compiled and then analyzed qualitatively to meet the clarity of the problems discussed, after the data analysis is complete, it will be presented in the form of a research report. The results of the research that have been carried out, it is concluded that the use of audio-visual learning media given to children is quite good and has been carried out optimally even though with various limitations and obstacles encountered when implementing the audio-visual learning media. The application of audio-visual learning media, both from planning to the results of using the learning media, teachers are required to be creative in determining and also using the right learning media in the current conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the lack of habituation in using audio-visual learning media that the teacher was previously accustomed to. carry out direct learning activities. The use of audio-visual learning media can be said to help teaching and learning activities because of the pandemic conditions that do not allow direct teaching and learning activities to be carried out even though there are limitations and shortcomings in the application of the audio-visual learning media when the learning activities are carried out


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How to Cite
Agnesha PutriW., Rahmah, & FithriR. (2022). USE OF ONLINE AUDIO VISUAL LEARNING MEDIA IN THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC TIME (Study at Kindergarten At-Taubah Rumbai Pekanbaru). TA’LIM JOURNAL : Journal of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training, 10(1), 40-52. Retrieved from

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